Yo yo y'allz..
Soo another week..
sigghhh. This week is gonna be a busy one for us; considering the type of business we run. I was hoping for a 'slow' week. Lately I've been finding myself overwhelmed & frustrated, not by my workload; but by boredom. I NEED a new job
(or hope to find one).. this 'store' thing ain't working for me anymore. But yeah, until the reno is done and we're moved in, I can't really think about leaving the store for 'greener pastures' until then. Anyways, enough about that..
for now. Soo today; MONDAY
(in case you haven't noticed I blog about yesterday, TODAY.. or close to it).. I knew I'd have Daddy around the store with me for the first few hours..
(he usually bails within the first 20 mins.. to go do reno stuff).. soo I BAILED!.. I went and did some of my 'girlie' errands.. pretty much a Wal-Mart run. It was nice to feel like I'm doing something other than getting annoyed at customers. With the busier times or 'seasons'
(i.e. Valentine's, Xmas.. yadda yadda) .. customers seem to get more 'bitchy'.. like it's MY ISSUE that they can't find something to buy!?!.. Shizz man, I find all the hub'bub about finding gifts
(especially for man made holidays.. such as V'Day) a CROCK!! But hey.. we still make the moola at this time.. soo whateveahhhhzz.. The fools can buy
buy buy; just don't expect me to tell you what! Soo as I'm strolling through the aisles of Wally-Mart, I'm reflecting on my life and discontent with my work situation at the moment; especially since having my OLD job
(which I LOVED!!) thrown back at me.. I'm almost tempted just to bail back to CTown for a few months just to get over this need of 'work' I enjoy, over. It's an on going mental battle for me to NOT go back, but in the same breathe I can't imagine my life without my huahua.. my hubby and without Tawnie banging and meowing at the bedroom door every night.. I CAN'T do that to us again, even if it means MY
(mental) salvation. OK.. too DEEP now.. not wanting to go that direction.. lighten up!! I peruse the aisles for cinnamon hearts.. maybe they can sweeten the day..
te he he he..
Busy-ness!! And a looooong day..
sigghhh.. and it's ONLY Monday. I'm looking forward to watching The Hills tonight.. it's turned out to be one of my fav. reality shows at the moment. Makes me want girlie friends. Since the show is about a group of girlie friends and their ventures and dramas. Tonight's episode
(on MTV Canada) was a gooder.. Makes me wish I had a LC!
TUESDAY Feb.13.. Death by Juicyfruit?!?
We had managed to squeeze in our morning tans, therefore I decided to 'freshen' up my breath before headin' off to the salon.. MmMMMmm juicyfruit. After our tan, we're having our routine morning shower together
(yes.. we shower together every day!!).. Sighhh.. getting ready for another day of dealing with the ever sooo incompetent customer. Cough cough.. weeze weeze..!!.. weeze weeze!!.. !! GASP.. !! GASP!!.. I can't breathe!! I'm weezing and hacking ... CHOCKING on my gum to be exact!.. As I hack and gasp for air, it runs through my mind the 'what ifs' .. The gum flies out.. sticks to the shower wall,
ha ha.. I gasp and weeze for air like a fish.. The whole time
(2-5 min) Daddy was completely clueless to my almost death by gum incident.. He's looking at me "are you ok?!?" .. "what are you doing?!?" .. I point to the gum on the wall.. weezing and still gasping for air.. "Are you ok??.. Are you chocking!?!?"... NOW he jumps into action! Geesh..
Soo yeah.. the shower drama aside, it's a typical Tuesday; with the exception of having to work. Mehhhhh... work.. the store.. yadda yadda.. same old same old.. BUT today it's busy.. and the dog is not a happy camper.

Normally we're able to spend majority of our shift with her. But today, I've barely sat down all afternoon. I can hear her crying from the front desk.. Seeing the odd look on the customers faces when they hear the whimpers and screams from Trink outta the back office (bcus she is a DIVA!!.. oOooh she knows how to work it).. Today she was whining and fussing sooo much she was able to break down her doggy gate and started scratching on the door!! OY!.. Damnimal!! I dunno how much more of this I can take!.. I think I'm going to leave her at home tomorrow!
Tonight we have to run to the WestSide to pick up stuff from my cousie's place. We've been waiting and wanting to buy the Robot Chicken
(tv series) dvd. Everywhere we've gone to has been sold out and Beanz works downtown, she passes by the HMV in the mall down there and she recalled seeing it!! Soo the sweetiebit picked it up for me :o) I also had shampoo/conditioner there to grab too; Em dropped it off the other day for me.. When I was getting my hair done I was mentioning how I was growing my hair out.. Beanz too.. Em told us about this hair product and it helps your hair grow FAST.. soo I figured I'll try it out.. Since Em's a sweetiebit, she picked some up for us.. and delivered!! Soo, yeah.. we're at the Twins' place.. No twins.. Just their boys.. Managed to distract the house for a few hours..
(I'm sure they hadn't anticipated half drunk moi.. yip yapping them up all night, ahh ha ha ha).. It was a good night.. can't say it started that great.. but yeah.. ended good :o) One more day.. then we get 5-6 days off.. soo I better SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP!!
ha hasooo 'til trrow.. chowzers y'all.