Friday, February 2, 2007

Moments in time..

Groundhog's Day.. I've got mixed emotions about this day, growing up as a child you are 'sculpted' by school (usually it's school) to think that this day is some sort of 'special' day where you should or you HAVE TO, see a groundhog and find out whether he is going to tell all of us humans (who could do the 'spring' test for ourselves ... don't cha think??) whether or not we have to suffer through this lovely season we call winter for another 6-8 weeks. I'm still waiting to hear on our 'local' hog to give us our inevitability...

7 years ago (or maybe it's been more) on this morning I was awoken by my hysterically screaming and crying Mother. Her Mother (my only G'ma) had died that early morning. I didn't live with my family at the time and we happened to be at my p'rents' that morning on our way back to AB from BC. We were visiting my G'ma in the hospital. I had JUST seen her the day before! She looked 'fine'.. yeah she was in a hospital gown and bed.. but her skin color was there and she knew who we were, she was happy and talkative. The doctors and nurses were all telling us how well she was doing and how they were thinking she was going to be able to come home soon. Needless to say when I left her that last time, I didn't think I'd be waking up the way I did the next day. I recall that day being a very VERY long day and I doubt I'll ever forget that day.. Groundhog's Day.. bah.

and.. the hog says: "Spring is coming early!"

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